Thought Leadership

digitalundivided leads the global culture shift toward inclusive innovation through powerful, impactful, and unmatched thinking on topics ranging from accessing untapped reservoirs of innovation to creating a workplace for founders.

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Sharing Our Knowledge

Along with groundbreaking data and research like #ProjectDiane and innovative programs like the BIG Incubator, digitalundivided’s staff leads over two hundred workshops, keynotes, and panel presentations each year with partners as diverse as corporations (Microsoft, Facebook, Prudential) to foundations (Kauffman, Surdna) to universities (Harvard, Yale).

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Sharing Our Knowledge

In 2018, digitalundivided led the Startup Newark project, which mapped the incubators, accelerators, funding sources, and entrepreneurial service organizations that comprise Newark’s thriving startup ecosystem. This project led to the creation of the Startup Newark advisory board, increased funding opportunities for local ecosystem partners, and expanded community initiatives such as Newark Tech Week. 

Startup Network

Building Community

digitalundivided builds diverse innovation ecosystems that focus on collaboration and untapped opportunities in these resource-rich communities. digitalundivided hosts weekly lunch and learns, partners with other ecosystem builders in events, and serves as a bridge between tech and local innovation ecosystems.

Building Community

Want to get a peek into digitalundivided’s ecosystem-building work? Follow us on Twitter and Instagram