Join the Movement for Inclusive Entrepreneurship

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digitalundivided disrupts the most entrenched systemic inequities founders face in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and investment landscape, through data and research-informed programming.

Since our founding in 2012, we have been at the forefront of driving economic growth for founders in business and innovation. Our data-driven programs and advocacy initiatives aim to increase funding, access, and opportunities for these founders so that they can make a greater impact on the world.

By providing the necessary resources and support, we can empower founders to catalyze their genius as entrepreneurs and innovators. Your donation to digitalundivided will directly contribute to the success of our programs and initiatives, which are designed to create a more equitable and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem.

No matter the amount, your contribution makes a significant difference in helping us achieve our goals. We appreciate your generosity and partnership in our mission to create an equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem where there is access to investments and capital for all.

About digitalundivided


digitalundivided: 10+ years of disrupting structural inequities founders face in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and investment landscape.
  • Five research-developed startup programs.
  • Top-notch resources, expert advisory services, and strategic investment opportunities.
  • Over 400 program alumni and 1,500 entrepreneurs served.
  • Nationally Recognized.
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Insights.
  • First to discover the state of investment in founders in the U.S. via Project Diana Research
Thought Leadership:
  • Uniquely positioned to lead the shift toward inclusive entrepreneurship.
  • Features in Inc., Forbes, Vogue Business, Fast Company, TechCrunch, and more!
  • Sought-after resource for businesses, investors, the government, and journalists.
  • Program alumni, high-profile executive mentors, aspiring entrepreneurs, and allied organizations such as Cosmopolitan, Nasdaq Foundation, and Chase.
  • Insights and information.
  • Community building across industries.
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